Earth Painting
Soil Art
Soilart jo-dojoong aired on KBS Documentary, Febrary 10, 2023
I happened to see my work 'knar forest fairy' introduced in Hong Kong's media organization 'the art gorgeous'.
The subtitle of the post was:
the first ever example of art made from soil was in cave paintings
I was able to find an introduction to the art gorgeous on Yale University's website
Yale University introduces the art gorgeous as follows
The art world is about people – about who people follow, what they love and consume. It’s about you gallery girls and boys. It goes beyond which art people have on their walls. This is why The Art Gorgeous goes beyond any Art News Magazine.
As a media company and community powerhouse, we develop innovative concepts and strategies and create captivating content, closely working with our unparalleled network of global art world influencers and institutions. We are an art entertainment magazine, bringing you anything from the hottest artist and fashion collaborations to juicy art gossip.
Includes a daily updated jobs board.
The second issue of Art IDEAL magazine was published
My work is featured on page 109
The Circle Foundation for the Arts is a French art magazine company founded in 2017
and functions as an international art platform.
October 2021
Soilart works on display in a luxury house
The exhibition held at a luxury home in New Jersey was produced in collaboration with Agora Gallery and NJLUX.
Two soilart works were exhibited. In addition, works by many artists from Agora Gallery were exhibited together.
soilart works published on "Pressetext“, one of the leading news agencies in Europe. The original text was published in German
knar_chorus adorned the cover of the article ARTFIXdaily
Selected Art World News & Exclusives, Agora's September Exhibition
Retaliation and rediscovery
Agora Gallery / September 7-28, 2021 / NYC, New York
Agora Gallery is proud to announce Reprisal & Rediscovery, a collective exhibition to be held September 7-28, 2021. The show features works by seasoned and emerging artists ranging from Pop Art, Modernism, Impressionism and Naturalist styles.
Art is longing for eternity.
I used to love oil paintings.
Although it was well-received by people, the problem of originality could not
be reached with oil painting.
I looked for countless methods and techniques, but I came to the conclusion
that it is impossible to find originality with that degree of change, and even
now, that thought remains the same.
When traces of someone’s attempts a hundred or two hundred years ago
were found, they were relentlessly discarded.
Because it makes no sense to follow others’ accomplishments.
‘There is no more.
Even though I was trying to find what I didn’t have, I had a hard time, so it
would be better to give up at this point.’
‘God, help me to paint pictures that cannot be seen in this world!’ When I no
longer had the energy to work before bed, I lay down and prayed.
One day, when I was going up and down the mountain, a red flower bloomed
a little away.
That’s when the frost is about to fall.
The plant is frosted and its head is bowed, which is weird.
When I went, it wasn’t a flower, it was a lump of soil.
At that moment,’
This is what I was looking for!’
The thoughts of thinking flow through endlessly.
An electric current flowed all over my body.
I just jumped home with a chunk of red dirt.
I don’t run.
My personality is optimistic, so I walk in rain or snow.
That day I ran Pababak.
I put red soil right in front of the oil painting.
Compared to the color of oil paintings, the emotions are very different.
You can create similar colors with oil paints, but you cannot express your
• The soil is cozy. Warm. It is comfortable and calm.
• This feeling cannot be felt with the color of the paint.
• 1. To draw nature as close as possible using oil paint
• 2. Drawing using natural colors
• These two cannot be the same. In this way, I was able to gain creativity.
Art is longing for eternity.
Digging, picking the soil, sorting the soilOne day I suddenly realized that I was dirt myself.
I don’t know if it’s because I remembered the words in the Bible saying,’ The body came from dirt, so it returns
to dirt’, but I realized myself as really insignificant dirt.
Perhaps that’s why it became more enjoyable to trim and sort the soil. All living things in nature live only the time given by God. I, too, will live for the amount of time God has given me, and in the meantime, I will continue this new work.
This work is in the time given to meIt will be the breath to breathe with the soil.
The day I take the time God has lent me, I will return to eternity again, and I want to put the image of eternity in my heart and draw it on my canvas.