Earth Painting
Soil Art

전시장소: Priuli Bon Exhibition Space
Curator: Viviana Vannucci
Director: Liaquat Ali Lucky
Colaborate: Serradifalco Editore,
Musa International, Zero Otto srl
Location: Spazio Staert (Priuli Bon Exhibition space)
Croce 1979/A) in Venice
Period: 2024. 04. 18-
Title: "The Contact"

Soil artist Jo-Do Joong
Dojoong jo is a pioneer in painting techniques using clay.
He developed a style that challenged the norms of art, known as "Earth Painting." Dojoong's work, which blossoms from inspiration and experimentation, aims to return viewers to nature, as he believes that soil conveys a natural eternity to humanity.
The connection with nature experienced through his paintings is vivid. This is because we can recognize materials through color, texture, smell, and temperature.
Since soil is the home of everyone's heart, these familiar elements evoke a universal experience and nostalgia for the homeland.
_review from agora gallery
official artist The 60th Biennale di venezia !

past exhibition_the land of Silence
Musa Pavilion , palazzo pisani revedin , venice

In front of soilart jo-dojoong’s work
Artist Pisna odarka (Artist who participated in the Ukrainia National Pavilion at the Venice Biennale)
Musa pavilion at Palazzo Pisani Reverdin, venice
Current Exhibition
La Biennale De Venezia 2024

forest fairy , 2016, soil on canvas, 112cm x 145cm
knar , 2016, soil on canvas,
145cm x 112cm

Past Exhibition

Biblioteca Angelica Museum

XIV Florence Biennale

Florence Biennale

Firenza Contemporary_Florence


Matera, on 03 November 2022 at the Italian Naval League Section of Matera - Magna Grecia there will be an art exhibition by international artists, RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future

November 4 at Palazzo Velli Expo Expo was presented the international art catalog WeContemporary 2022 and opened the Art Show.

agora gallery,NY

musa international

autumnal exhibition_Arthouse New York

Autumnal exhibition, Arthouse New York

Artexpo NewYork2021

swiss art expo 2022, (artboxy, zurich, Swiss)

Musa international association, Palermo, Italy

Musa international association, Palermo, Italy

Rome international Art Fair2022 (Medina Art Gallery, rome, italy)

CANVAS venice international Art Fair , (itsliquid group, venice, italy)

CANVAS venice international Art Fair , (itsliquid group, venice, italy)

artexpoNY, 2022 ,artavita

Artexpo NY, 2021

reprisal&rediscovery exhibition, agora gallery NY

paris Artpair, monat gallery_spain

'Continuity: Modern and Contemporary Masters' ,artifact212 gallery, Manhattan

Autumnal exhibition, New York

Big Screen Plaza, New York

focus artfair_paris

monat gallery Madrid, spain